Can drinking alcohol damage DNA?

Can alcohol damage DNA

Do you have healthy DNA?  Do you look after your DNA?  Can drinking alcohol damage your DNA?  Don’t damage your DNA, because your health depends on your DNA! DNA does not only contain the building blocks of our genetic makeup, but it also contains the blueprint for the rejuvenation of genes and proteins.  The body…

Alcohol Flush Reaction

Alcohol flush reaction

Alcohol Flush Reaction – Why is it a problem? Have you ever noticed how people get very flushed or red in the face when drinking too much alcohol?  Have you ever noticed your own face turning red after a couple of drinks?  This is called alcohol flush reaction, and it is not as harmless as…

Free from the Burden of Drinking Alcohol

Avoid the alcohol trap

Does drinking alcohol feel like a bit of a burden to you?  Would you like to be free of the burden of drinking alcohol every day?  You would be amazed how good it feels to not think about drinking every day, and not have to rush home to start drinking, or not even think about…

Give up Alcohol

Avoid the alcohol trap

Look Beyond the Alcohol Trap  The first step in breaking free of the alcohol trap is to realise that to give up alcohol is a process and not an event. It is not a “one time” activity that you do once and the job is done.  It is a series of coordinated events that you…

Stop drinking and Avoid the Alcohol Trap

alcohol and cancer

If you have ever tried to stop drinking before, then obviously you have the desire to stop.  But do you have the willpower and mind set to get you through the tricky period of withdrawal? So what is the problem?  The problem lies in the subconscious mind.  The problem has been put there by the…

Drinking too much alcohol?

Drinking too much Alcohol?

Do you Feel Trapped? Do you feel sick and tired of drinking too much alcohol?  Does every time you have one drink, it just leads to another and another until you find yourself in the same old trap drinking too much alcohol? Do you wake up the next morning and regret the events of the…

Caught in the Alcohol Trap

caught in the alcohol trap

Don’t be Fooled – Alcohol is addictive Don’t surprised to find out that Alcohol is addictive.  Don’t become the Old man drinking alone!  There is no need to feel alone at this point.  Drinking too much alcohol affects millions of people, and it is not your fault.  Our society just seems to accept that alcohol…