caught in the alcohol trap

Caught in the Alcohol Trap

Don’t be Fooled – Alcohol is addictive

Don’t surprised to find out that Alcohol is addictive.  Don’t become the Old man drinking alone!  There is no need to feel alone at this point.  Drinking too much alcohol affects millions of people, and it is not your fault.  Our society just seems to accept that alcohol is an inevitable part of the fabric of everyday life, but why is the case?

Alcohol is addictive, and is does not have any benefits to our health.  In fact, alcohol steals our health, and wastes our time.  Even though we like to think that alcohol helps us to relax, it does nothing to relieve the stress.  Drinking only postpones the stress until tomorrow.  When tomorrow comes, we find that we are even more stressed, and then we enter the vicious cycle of drinking more alcohol.

Does this sound familiar to you?


This is the Alcohol Trap

I know this, because at this point I am forced to confess the parallels of this story with my own life.  As I introduced this story with my chance meeting with an old man in the cellar, I too aspired to keeping a cellar full of fine wines.  On a much smaller scale, I too collected a cellar of wines that I sourced myself, from a selection of my local vineyards.  The expectation was that a collection of good wines, should with age, become a cellar of great vintages.

Alas to say, I was never very good at looking after this cellar.  It was a great cellar of wine, but it never improved.  The temperature was probably not quite correct, the bottles were not stored in the same location for long enough.  And of course, I have to admit that I was drinking them faster than they were being cellared.  Some bottles survived to a decent age, but the wine had not matured well.  Despite the excuses, there was nothing positive to be gained from the delusion of grandeur.


Cultural Conditioning is a part of the Alcohol Trap

Alcohol is addictive, and is does not have any benefits to our health. In fact, alcohol steals our health, and wastes our time. Do you want to know how to stop drinking?

Alcohol is addictive and just an illusion

In my opinion, the very act of labeling wine as “fine” creates yet another layer of desire over a product that is essentially poisonous.  No matter how many superlatives one can find to describe the wine, it remains a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  Alcohol is addictive.  Alcohol is a toxic, poisonous and harmful drug, and it does not have any health benefits.  It does not have any health benefits when it was made, and it will not develop any health benefits with aging.  This is merely an illusion created by the wine industry in order to add some perceived benefit to the product in order to keep us consuming it.


Society is part of the Alcohol Trap

And there are many more examples of how alcohol tries to trap us all

For example, to complement the concept of “fine wine” is the additional layer of “Fine Food and Wine”. This is because we have all been programmed to accept that food and wine are to be considered as safe if consumed together.  We also commonly accept the fact that we won’t be as badly affected by alcohol as long as we consume food at the same time.  Wrong – alcohol is addictive!


The Problem is How to Avoid the Alcohol Trap

Do we understand that all of this is a fallacy?  A fine example of smoke and mirrors carefully construed by the alcohol industry.  They do this to assure us that the product is safe and acceptable if consumed in concert with other acceptable pursuits, such as gourmet food.

You don’t really need a fine wine to complement the taste of good food!  If you need exquisite tasting food to disguise the taste of the wine, then there really is no point to having it is there?

Have you heard the one about never drinking on an empty stomach?  As if somehow the presence of molecules of food can eradicate the molecules of alcohol before the toxic poison reaches your bloodstream?  No chance.  Every molecule of alcohol reaches your bloodstream; there is no magic pill that prevents your body from exposure to alcohol.  Alcohol is addictive!

How about the one about drinking coffee?  You know, if you have had too much alcohol, you can always have a strong coffee to counteract the effects.  This is also not true.  No chance, your body bears the full brunt of the alcohol assault no matter how you try to disguise the effects.


Alcohol is Addictive

There is no escape from the facts – alcohol is addictive, and if you find that it is difficult to control the amount of alcohol, then you are not alone.  Drinking too much alcohol is a common problem, because it affects the brain, and causes our subconscious mind to crave for more alcohol every day.

The trouble is that giving in to our cravings every day just doesn’t seem to make the problem go away!  In fact the opposite is true, when we give in to our cravings for alcohol, does the problem go away?  No!  We just develop the urge to drink more alcohol!

Does this sound familiar?


Don’t get Caught in the alcohol trap

That is the problem with alcohol, it just creates cravings to drink every day, and too often we give in to our cravings.  But that only creates the urge to drink more and more alcohol.  This is a vicious cycle that is caused by drinking too much alcohol.


Don’t be the Old Man drinking alone

don’t leave it too late to change your habits!


Look out for the next part of the alcohol trap.

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